BLESSED MOTHER..... another knot, Medicare is saying they will not cover my claims,,,,,, please i beg help this situation to be resolved,,,, show me who to call on Monday and let them help me....MOTHER I AM DESPERATE...I know you can untie these knots i will never stop praying to you...thank you... Marie
That the Religious Community, Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary be always blessed with profound and enduring holiness, purity, and faithfulness, That the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts USA, be graced to be a place of conversion and healing and may all those that live here, work here and visit here, May the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche and many other Catholic Shrines receive similar and powerful graces too. That Annie, through the intercession of Saint Stanislaus Papczyński, gets pregnant very soon and goes to term, and gives a very healthy birth. For the end of the Covid virus and other viruses and planned pandemics, a That I be graced with a double portion of Saints Martin de Porres’, Therese of Lisieux’s, and Padre Pio’s spirit, and that I be blessed now and always to be one of Saint Therese of Lisieux’s little souls, so that I be among her little army of souls, and graced with predestination, and be also graced to bring many other souls to heaven with me one day. For the complete healing of Maureen Amirault, Linda Kratka, Caroline Marie Gavin, and Mario Costanza, and for all their spiritual and temporal needs. \ That Brother Alexander Chung be graced, now, forever, and always, For the end of the culture of death, so that the culture of life powerfully flourish in the world, That many more people consecrate themselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary and that all who are consecrated to Mother Mary be graced with final perseverance and be saved, and brought to heaven For all the souls in purgatory, the salvation of all the dying, and the conversions of all people, and for the repose of the souls of Dorothy A. Tudjan, Rachael Sydney Schopp, Vincent Chung, Inez Chung, Franz Bydlinski, Deborah Binder, Marc Massery, Christina Maria Barone, Christopher Eric Hitchens, Amelia of Fatima, Rudolf Höss, Henry Morgentaler, Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation, PCPA, Brother Donald Schaefer, MIC, Fathers George Kosicki, CSB, Joseph Kane, OMI, Fernando Suarez, Benedict Groeschel, CFR, Michael Scanlan, TOR, Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, Larry Dunn, MIC, Kevin Scallon, CM, Peter Rookey, OSM, Walter Gurgul, MIC, Joseph Whalen, MS, Casimir Krzyzanowski, MIC, and Bob Bedard, CC. 12. That I be graced to have a lifelong, and a very healthy, faithful, good, pure, innocent, chaste, joyful, holy, and loving Christian friendship with Linda Kratka, and that Linda Kratka will find a very affordable, inexpensive, and spacious home very soon, which has several good sized rooms, and that this home will be a place for Jesus, the Holy Family, and all of heaven. For all of Maria English's spiritual and temporal needs, That all Baptized Christians be powerfully graced to live a very holy, faithful, pure, virtuous, and loving life, and that they be also graced to be Jesus’ Light for all peoples, so all people convert and so the devil be left empty handed. Thank you and God bless you abundantly To Jesus through Mother Mary always Br Alex