I ask the Lord Jesus, I pray for Mrs. Lisa who was deceased because of cancer, asking for salvation of her soul. I ask the Lord Jesus for the salvation of souls and world peace forever. I ask the Lord Jesus that all countries throughout the world and Indonesia will have good leaders who are in accordance with God's will forever, and that all the people of the world will love each other, have peace and be happy forever. I consecrate all the countries of the world and all their inhabitants to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I ask the Lord Jesus for health and healing from various diseases forever, and good success in fruitarianism, and other things. I ask the Lord Jesus for safe travel throughout my life, especially using airplanes. I ask the Lord Jesus to provide relief for the souls in purgatory, for the poor, sick and imprisoned, both physical and spiritual forever. I consecrate myself, my family, and all our descendants forever to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, asking for our eternal salvation of souls and bodies. Please be given good spouses who is in accordance with God's will for all our descendants forever. I offer this holy mass and all the holy masses offered throughout the world today to God to atone for all the sins of myself, my family, and all mankind throughout the world forever. Thank you Lord Jesus for all your mercy. I ask this of the Lord Jesus through the intercession of all the saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen.